Capitalist Investor
Check out the "Capitalist Investor" podcast where hosts Derek, Luke and Tony break down complex financial topics and recent market trends with a sharp eye. This podcast is all about getting into the nitty-gritty of things like stock buybacks, tax policies, meme stocks, and a whole lot more. The guys aren’t just brains; they keep things light with a great mix of deep dives and easy banter that keeps you hooked and learning. Whether they’re chatting about Warren Buffett’s latest strategies, how Biden’s tax plans might hit different income levels, or the buzz around a big golf tournament, you’ll come away with a solid grip on how these issues could shake up your financial world. Perfect for investors, retirees, or just anyone keen to keep up with the financial universe, "Capitalist Investor" makes the complex understandable and entertaining.
Capitalist Investor
NVDA vs. AMD, Taiwan Elections, Cancel All Debt, Ep. #212
Welcome to the Capitalist Investor podcast, where your hosts Derek, Tony, and Luke navigate the intriguing world of finance and investments through the lens of the everyday capitalist. Our trio starts off by touching upon the chilly Cleveland weather and travel disruptions, before quickly transitioning into a robust debate on the geopolitical chessboard with President Biden's stance on Taiwan and the recent elections there. Amidst these discussions, they delve into the potential economic tremors a US-China conflict might send through global markets, particularly focusing on the technologically crucial semiconductor industry.
The Geopolitical Powder Keg: Taiwan's Elections and US-China Relations
Our hosts didn't shy away from the frosty topic matching Cleveland's own cold snap—the heated debate about President Biden's stance on Taiwan following its recent elections. Derek, Tony, and Luke explored the delicate dance between supporting democracy and avoiding an escalation with China. They pondered the potential economic fallout of further tension, with an eye on the global supply chain's frailties, particularly concerning the microchips essential to technology sectors worldwide.
Cable Cutting: The Economic Shift in Home Entertainment
In a personal anecdote, Luke shared his parents' consideration of ditching traditional cable in favor of YouTube TV's cost-effectiveness. This move mirrors a broader trend in consumer behavior, as households pivot to streaming services like Hulu Live, induced by the sting of rising cable prices. Derek and Luke analyzed the budgetary implications and generational preferences, including the priceless need for channels like Nickelodeon for Luke’s family.
Debt Dynamics: Generational Views and Personal Finance
The conversation took a sobering turn towards debt—its influence on younger generations and the overarching attitude towards borrowing. The hosts drew from personal insights and broader market observations to trace patterns in financial decision-making, spending, and the staggering instance of Robert Kiyosaki’s controlled leverage. This discussion underscored the mantra of the podcast—weighing risk and grasping opportunity in fiscal matters.
Tech Wars: AMD vs. Nvidia in the Evolving Chip Market
Luke brought to light a critical investor’s dilemma: the contrasting paths of AMD and Nvidia within the investment portfolio. While Nvidia has experienced a valuable surge, it prompted a strategic 'trimming' from the portfolios, whereas AMD's positions have been bolstered. This segment proved to be a masterclass in adaptability and foresight, two essential traits to surviving the volatile tech market.
The EV Conundrum: Electric Vehicles in Cold Climates and Global Markets
Lastly, the crew didn't miss the chance to discuss the chilly implications of electric vehicles in less-than-ideal conditions, mirroring the recent weather woes. The limitations of EVs in the cold led to considerations of hybrid alternatives and the evolution of automobile technology. Moreover, with EV price cuts across China and Europe, they examined the effects these could have on the competitive landscape of the US market, and even touched on industry titans like Tesla and the ambitious visions of leaders like Elon Musk.
Our hosts are always game for a dinner plan, promising a deeper dive into these topics in future episodes. So tighten your seatbelts as Derek, Tony, and Luke serve up yet another insightful blend of economic trends, personal finance tips, and a sprinkling of everyday wisdom — all while reminding listeners to consult with a professional for tailored advice. Let's talk money, markets, and what it means to be a true capitalist investor.
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Capitalist Investor. As always, you have me, diamond hands d. We got the whole crew here. Tony the tiger. Cool hands, Luke. What's going on, guys? How we doing? It's cold. It is very cold. Very cold up here in Cleveland. The boys are back in town. I had three flight cancellations and three delays yesterday. Supposed to be in New York right now, but obviously that didn't happen. Apparently the worst snowstorm in two years in. Wow. Yeah. I mean, we watched. What is it? The Buffalo and Pittsburgh football game. Yeah, that was wild. Yeah, we shouldn't watch. That was. Well, if you're a Pittsburgh fan. Yeah, it was rough, but just the whole thing behind them trying to get that game kicked off was amazing. And then they still had issues. So what amazes me sometimes is human beings putting themselves in situations that they know they won't enjoy, but they do it anyway and spend money for it. That's one of the situations. I want to know how that played out because they just said, hey, no assigned seating. Show up. And I don't know if the diehards are going to show up to watch that game. I was listening to something yesterday. The attendance was 70,000. Really? Yeah. I don't know if that's true or not or how that works, but, yeah, you could see the videos before the game. You had to plow through snow to get to your seat. Like, all the seats were basically covered. Can you imagine standing in snow for several hours? No, absolutely. How do you stay warm? There's no amount of money that you could have paid me to get me to that game. There's no amount of money you could have paid me to get me to that. I remember there's one game went with my father to Pittsburgh game, like, when I was young, and we took hand warmers as, like, gel hand warmers, and they even froze over, like, in five minutes. It's not fun. I got hand warmers for Christmas. You pop this little metal thing inside, and it turns into, like, this hot gel, and it lasts for several hours. They're awesome. But anyway, I digress. All right, so what are we talking about today? We are going to talk about the White House, President Biden and his, I don't know, maybe a flip flop on his take on Taiwan. We're going to talk about. What is this? Oh, yeah, we have a bunch of, I guess, just evs. Just dead as a doorknob in this cold weather. We'll talk about that. AMD versus Nvidia. Who could AMD overtake Nvidia for the AI chipmaker of the universe. We'll talk about that. Who's going to is we're going to talk about student loans again and how some people are thinking of just not paying it because maybe it'll magically go away. We'll talk about that. And then canceled. We're going to talk about cutting a cord. Cutting a cable cord. Nice. And go from. So let's talk about Biden first. All right. You mentioned a key term there, flip flop. So Taiwan over the past weekend had their election cycle, and essentially it was a battle for democracy or basically rolling back up into the CCP, China. Right. A couple of things going on which I want to hit on. But first, what's interesting is we've always kind of supplied Taiwan with weapons and kind of support. And then over the weekend after the elections, which the elections, the president essentially was pro democracy, anti China is the party that won, which was kind of expected. Everyone kind of knew that was going to happen for the most part. But right after the election, Biden said that we do not support Taiwan independence, but we're still supplying them with weapons and support. So how do we not? And then in 2002, he said we will basically intervene if China comes down. He basically said that last year. I felt like he did in 2022. Maybe not last year, but 2022. That's what I'm saying. He made that comment saying, hey, I. Guess what is this telling you about future relations? I saw something interesting as well. What people don't look into. People just read the headlines. No one actually reads into what actually happens. The party that supported democracy won, but within their own congress and parliament, they actually lost seats for those that actually supported democracy. So the party that was supporting rolling back up into China actually gained more seats than the Congress, and they actually are now the ruling majority in Congress. So essentially it's kind of like what we have here to where you have a split Congress compared to the executive branch. Right. So that's an interesting observation, too. Also, President Xi in China tweeted out yesterday that he's willing to talk more about US China relations and helping that. Because if you all know, if you look at their stock market, but the chinese stock market, the Hang Seng, is down 50% since 2020, while the US stock market is hitting all time high. So things are pretty rough over there in China. Well, they just came in with weaker than China did. China came in with weaker than expected GDP yesterday, and their markets went down over almost 2%, 3%. Yeah. Last night it was down like two. Now it's even. And I mean, they missed it. Like they were expecting like 5.3% and they came in at 5.2 and they're not lowering rates. They're supposed to have a rate cut essentially Monday. And she said, no, never mind. And that spooked the markets a little bit. Maybe they're going to look at it and say, you know what, let's take the pain and set ourselves up later where United States probably will not. I think the higher for longer thing is here to stay for the United States. Is there any kind of observations you guys can draw from the election basically losing seats in the parliament compared to the executive branch winning? Is that going to create potentially kind of like, what we saw? What was the two years ago we talked about here in the US markets, that the best scenario was basically split. And that's history. Proves that executive branch in Congress actually proves the best for the market because people. Gridlock actually is the best. Right. Is that going to be the same thing you think over in China, Taiwan, that's actually beneficial for the US in some sort of just. I don't know. I just think it's an inevitable thing. I mean, the size of Taiwan and the size of China, the money, the people, the amount of people. The United States should be worried. We're outnumbered, what, five to one? Yeah. Like, literally just people, right? I don't like, I feel like it's an inevitable thing and it's a big island, but Taiwan, I don't know. The biggest thing I'm worried about is the chip. Lot of. A lot of microchips are made in Taiwan. I've been thinking about this a lot recently. China, Taiwan, any kind of war that starts sparks that or any kind of tensions is really a lose lose situation for both. For both us and China. Because if us and China tensions continue to rise, then we're just going to continue to pour supply chain, basically completely destroy China from an economic standpoint, which they're already in a pretty bad place. So she doesn't want that. And I don't think the politicians over there want that. And then obviously, if they take Taiwan, we're in a bad situation when it comes from a supply chain standpoint. So it's like the two biggest world powers want to continue to just hurt their people. I don't know. I'm trying to be a little bit more of an optimist than I have been in this situation. I think that the tensions might actually be priced in worse than they actually are. Going to be compared to the stock market. And chinese stocks are trading at like, I'm not saying we should buy chinese stocks. We haven't owned them for a reason. It's been good because they continue to drop every single day. But I think at some point it starts to become somewhat attractive as long as tensions don't continue to rise. And then we start delisting their shares and they delist us. It doesn't seem like China from an economic standpoint, really has the ability just know, start a conflict because that will have severe repercussions with their overall economy, especially if the US starts pulling its supply chain like it's already started to do. So I think from that standpoint, it keeps Taiwan a little bit safer. And as far as Biden goes, it's kind of like an NFL locker room. Right. The coach is out there saying a bunch of stuff that coach speak isn't true, but behind the scenes there's a bunch of other stuff going on. I think that's kind of what's going on mean. My, my final take on this is that all of this sounds really expensive. Yeah. Maybe other nations don't need to create a legitimate war with us. We just have to be on high alert all the time, which is going to know the war machines are out, submarines, boats, airplanes, recon, things like that. And think about where we're at. We got Ukraine, Russia. We got that going on. Remember that? Who talks about that anymore? Right now we got Taiwan and we got to watch their back and then we got to watch our own back here in the United States. And, man, it's just going to bleed us dry. No wonder our deficit's so high because we got our hands in everything. I just challenge everyone that's listening just to kind of dig deeper sometimes in the headlines. The biggest thing I took away from me reading the news cycle the past three days about China and Taiwan has been that we didn't start hearing about the parliament changing seats until like three days after the elections and here in the western media. So it's just very interesting that all the headlines said that the pro democracy party won. Tensions are going to rise between China and Taiwan. But you look a little deeper. It's like that's, with gridlock. There's not going to be, the tensions will probably be, probably settled because there'll be gridlock. It's just interesting difference in the headlines. All right, next topic. And I'm going to time this one. This time. All right. We got frozen evs all around the country where there's sub zero temperatures. Yes, a known issue. So, yeah, it's freezing temperatures here in the midwest. A side topic. My kids didn't have school today. It's like, what, ten degrees out there? It seems a little ridiculous, to be honest. Wind chill advisory. My car said two, and the wind chill is probably minus ten. I don't know. These kids nowadays got to suck it up. Yeah, seriously, you're outside for 4 seconds. County policy. Well, kids nowadays, anyway. Yeah, kids. Back when I was in school, we walked to school, no matter how cold it was, just put a heated stone in my coat to keep me warm. But, yeah, Tesla charging stations in Chicago specifically, basically there was just lines of dead Teslas and other types of evs, because when it gets cold out, you lose significant range on your electronic vehicles. So this has been a known problem and something that you have to take a look at if you're thinking about buying an EV, especially up north or in the midwest or in the colder climates, it just does not work as well as it needs to. So does that mean. Just mean, obviously you have gas power and you have evs. I mean, is just the answer more of like a hybrid? When the weather's cold, you flip the switch and you go to gas. And then in the warm weather, when the batteries can work better and you flip it over to the ev side. I don't know. I think it's more of a charging station issue, really. Like, if there was a charging station on every quarter, you wouldn't have to worry about waiting in line. But right now, especially in northeast Ohio, it's very limited as far as where you can charge. If you have a Tesla and you go to a Tesla charging station, it works really cool. It's a nice system, but there's just. Not enough of them. So if I'm able to get, hypothetically, 300 miles on a full charge, what am I getting right now in zero degree weather? Any idea? Like two thirds. So I get 100 miles now you get two thirds. Okay, so you lose 100. Yeah. The solution is let the free markets, my man, innovate to get technology to a point to where the technology can support and not give two thirds or give you enough to not be upset about this. I mean, that's the answer in the end. What's interesting is China EVs, Tesla specifically just cut ev prices. They're like model y, I think prices in China or model three and Model Y. And then Europe today just announced that they just reduced their model y prices as well over in Europe. So I think 5000 euro that's a big cut from 55 to 49,000. I mean, that's a 10% haircut almost. So again, this is a perfect example of what could be potentially coming over here in the US, where these ev makers are going to have to lower their prices, not because they're efficient with their manufacturing of the evs to make more profits. They're lowering prices because demand's lower and people just aren't wanting to buy evs yet. So the free markets aren't willing to buy. Yeah. And capitalism is winning there because I think a lot of american automakers are exiting the ev space. Right. Capitalism always wins. Tony banks. Yeah, it should at the end, but. In the end, it always does. Resets. All right, but a good and bad. Let's move on to the next topic, AMD versus Nvidia. Nvidia just got a bunch of upgrades from Barclays and things like that, saying, I think they hit near an all time high yesterday and they're expecting a lot of revenue growth and they're looking at surplanting themselves as the best AI chip maker above Nvidia. Like they're supposed to be coming the closer in the race, the horse race, it sounds like they're. The closer they're coming in. Catching up to Nvidia. We just added more AMD in our portfolios. I know. I think we trimmed Nvidia because it just ran up so much and then reallocated to AMD, which is up a lot, but not up as much as Nvidia. Right. The way I look at Nvidia and AMD, how I've always kind of thought about it in my head and from peers I know in the technology space, AMD is kind of the. I don't want to say it's truly off brand, but kind of the off brand AMD or Nvidia to where Nvidia is always going to be known as the top dog, like the premium luxury for cloud computing, or from AI computing, AMD is kind of going to be known as the second always to where it's kind of looked at less of a premium brand, it's looked at as cheaper brand, which means it's more towards the mass market. It's like the average person or average company will prefer AMD because it's cheaper, but compared to maybe the wealthy companies or those that are able to afford the Nvidia chips on a large scale basis. But the big difference too is Nvidia is more gpu based. They're quicker, like basically processing units than cpus. AMD is more cpu based. So what goes in your computer and your laptop is AMD, and Nvidia is more of the AI stuff. Yeah. Like the server based, cloud based stuff. Yep. So I think it's got some catching up to do. I don't think it'll ever be surpassed Nvidia when it comes to AI, unless they completely change your business model. Right. Well, did you see what Kathy Wood said the other day? She came out yesterday and put Tesla at like$700 per share price from current rates or something ridiculous, like looking at 700% growth or something because of their AI, because they're going to have all the AI in the cars and driving us around by 2027. She came out and made some crazy statement about how Tesla is going to be the AI. She was right the first time around. She called like $1,000 Tesla when it was like $100 before the split and it ended up hitting. So who knows? But you don't really associate Tesla with AI, though, right? At least as of today. So, I mean, are they just going to make that leap because of the technology inside their car or are they actually going to get into the chip game like everyone else, like the AMDs and Nvidia's of the world? Let's quickly talk about that. Did you see what Elon Musk said over the weekend? I think it was, yeah. Didn't he say he wants to be in more control of a company if they're going to do AI? And he's only 13% shareholder owner, so he said he wanted to have at least 25% control. Yes, that's exactly the point I was trying. Yes, that's it. 25%. He said that he needs to own of Tesla to basically build new products within Tesla. Otherwise he's just going to build new companies outside of Tesla, private companies himself. So the question has to be, from Kathy woods standpoint, from an investment standpoint, is this AI technology that we all talk about whether or not it's coming or not, is it going to be built within the Tesla wrapper or is it going to be built on an outside company that's going to be supply. Tesla that's owned by. Correct, elon? Correct. That's going to supply Tesla but not be owned by Tesla. So How does he go from 13 to 25? He's got x to pay for, twitter to pay for. He also said, I think specifically voting rights. He didn't say actually ownership. So you can give him more voting rights without giving him actual shares. Shares of the company, yeah, because he's not motivated by money, I don't think, in my opinion, he's past the point of being motivated by money. It's now about actual change, but now it's ABout having control over that change. Yeah. I MEan, there might be silent, quote, unquote, silent owners, percentage owners that say, I'll give my voting. Do you know who? Vanguard and fidelity. VANGUARD and fidelitY. Basically only 13%, just like Elon Musk do, because of all the investing. Something tells me they're not giving him their voting rights. Probably not. The market cap, 700 billion. So another 12% of that is, what. A lot of money. Yeah, 90 billion or so. So I don't think he has that laying ARound. No. All right. I do. Hey, hit me up. ELon, you can hit my dms. You can call the front door if you'd LiKE. Funding secured. Taking TesLA private 420. All right, so I saw a funny. Well, not funny, but student loan borrowers are refusing to pay their bills, and they're protesting, saying, I was promised free education and I'm not going to pay these bills. Man, what a. I started reading this, and I was chuckling, like, if I don't pay it, maybe they'll just. You start reading some of the quotes inside the article, and they're like, I wish I was laughing, dude, here we go. They were just making comments like, hey, if I don't pay, it'll probably just go away, right? They're AcTUALLY not WRONG. This is the proBlem, in my opinion. I'm not laughing because I think this is actually becoming more of a thing, because the whole mentality is her mentality here in the US right now. It's like, if everyone else is doing it, then what's the worst that can happen? We all can't just go bankrupt. We all can't just know they can't come after all of us, right? I mean, that's kind of the mentality. It's getting scary. It's not going to be just student loans. It's going to be mortgages. It's going to be car loans. It's going to be credit card debt. It's going to be everything else. This is the beginning of something bigger at play, in my opinion. If that snowball were to really roll and you get a bunch of people just boycotting paying their bills, I don't know what would happen. It's the sense, it's the most egotistical, entitlement people in the world right now. This is the generation of millennials and Gen Z. They think the world is against them. But really, they're against the world, right? That's very true. It's very easy to see, too, just by going out there in the world and talking to people. It is something for sure. And the idea that you hit the nail on the head, it's a slippery slope right now. Uncle Joe said we're going to get free college. We don't have to pay back our student loan debt. Who's to say that that doesn't go to credit cards because the banks are taking all of our money with whatever excuse they want to use. It can just go right down the line. We need those new Stanley Tumblers, man. We need those. How am I supposed to pay for that when I got to pay for college? Come on. That is wild. I've seen those clips on the Internet, people fighting over drink, the pink ones. Yeah, wild, wild stuff. I'm just having the idea of the domino effect of not paying your bills and stuff like that. Holy cow. If that were to become a thing. Holy cow. I don't know. A lot of banks would go out of business. People don't realize how bad it is out there. Just watch some Dave Ramsey shows, like people calling in the amount of debt out there and stupid decisions people are making. Yeah, that's the thing. Very uneducated decisions people are making. Yeah. Ruin your credit score, then you can't borrow and then what are you going to. It's like doom spending is really what it is. It's not doom spending, it's like doom everything. Just like Yolo. Seriously, Yolo. What's the worst that can happen? Who cares if I borrow against the world and I pass away? Like at the end of the day, $2 million when I pass away, but I don't have to worry about it because I'm dead mentality. I mean, the Supreme Court came in and said, Mr. President, you can't do that. He continues to press that. Look at Robert Kiwisaki. Is that the guy who wrote rich dad, poor dad? Yeah. He even said like, I'm $1.2 billion in debt, but I don't have to worry about it because if I go under, then the banks go under. They have to worry about it. I mean, $1.2 billion in debt, what is he making on that? Worth like 300 million is what I've read. That's it? Yeah. So he's got 1.2 billion. So he's like 1.5 billion in assets, but 1.2 billion in debt to finance that assets. Apparently it's what I've read. I would assume the arbitrage is there. A billion dollars in debt is going to cost you, what, $800 million a year? But this is the problem with leverage. The problem with leverage is, like, what happens if one shoe were to drop and something there? It would be$80 million a year if that. 80%. Right? I think that would be the math. And I guess if you're making 100 million on that debt, that's a nice living. I made $20 million this year. That's a nice living. I made $20 million this year. And even though I have a billion dollars in debt, if the arbitrage can. Work for the long term. Right? Long term, yes. It's easy to arbitrage when everything's good and things are pretty simple. Sure. All right. Yeah. The rich dad, poor dad. I saw that $1.2 billion in dad, and, like, jesus, I don't know how he got there. Yeah. But the question, real quick, I have a question I have to ask about when it comes to younger generations, is like, what do they want out of life? What do we, my generation, want out of life? Is it just to make money to fulfillment by materialistic things? Or is it money to be free? Because the end goal, when you retire, all those listening that are retired people we work with, they retire to be free, to not live comfortably and be able to do what they want to do, but spend time with family, travel, all the bucket list items they wanted to do. I think the younger generation is doing it for the wrong reasons. It's to buy the bigger house, to buy the nicest car. It's not just to be free. We have the most opportunity to be free, but we're the most not free in depth generation ever, I think. Well, my goal was, or my goal is, I guess, to be like a baby boomer. Like, hey, I'm going to accumulate debt. I'm going to get a house, I'm going to pay it off, and then by the time I get to retirement, that should be free and clear. Just things need to happen in progression, right? What am I? Gen X? Right. So then we got that millennial and Gen Z. So it's my generation that's ruining these kids. I would assume that's what's happening. Because maybe you can think of it this way, as the baby boomers pass away and they pass that money on to the Gen X. What's the Gen X doing with that money for their kids, the millennials and Gen Z's? Are they giving them that money? Are they, these kids, like, hey, I don't need to work because I know what mom and dad just got, and I'm just going to hang out right now. I just need to hang out and wait this out until my parents. But just saying, one generation makes it, the next one grows it, the next one spends it, right? Yeah. I mean, they always talked about in the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts, I think. What did they say? Like, the Rockefellers had a family reunion and he died with billions of dollars. And they showed up and there were a handful of millionaires amongst all of them. It's just gone. Well, I think that's what's happening. Boomers made it. Gen X grew it, is growing it currently. And then Gen Z and millennials are going to spend it. Yeah. Tumblers, man. Stanley Tumblers. Get some. All right, guys. All right. And now the last topic, the canceled. All right, man. I did it. I was very scared. I've had cable basically all my life, for the last 40 years, probably. And the straw that broke the camel's back, our at and t U verse bill literally went up, like 100 or $120 in a month. Something expired. Some kind of promotion expired. I mean, it went like, almost to $400. And I'm like, I've been talking about getting this done. And that was the straw. Now it's just going to be Internet. And where I landed on, I got Hulu live. Nice. I like it. It's like $80 a month. And then you tie into Internet, it's between a third and a half of what cable was going to cost. I'm not a technology kind of guy, but I figured it out pretty easily. So if I can do it, pretty much most people can, because I'm just not good at that stuff. You're not alone on the island. My parents just. I got a text over the weekend. They're like, hey, luke, how do you like YouTube tv? We're thinking about changing from our cable. It's getting too expensive. So they just went through the whole transition themselves. I think they landed on YouTube tv. The reason they asked me about YouTube TV is because I have YouTube TV, not because I pay for it, but because our video and audio engineer over there, he's got a nice little family package that he shares love with. It's kind of bum off of him. When people helping people there. But why is that? Well, we got to use it for work. We have to use it to watch Mark on tv all the time. To make know we take the videos and get them uploaded to the website, things like that. Right. So there's a use case for, you know, I'm not going to say when I'm not home, there's a football game on that I want to watch. I'll plug it in there and use it every once in a while. So. Thanks, Chris. I'm staring at you, Chris, our engineer. Chris. I'm like, hey, why do I not know about. It until the YouTube TV cracks down on us like Netflix did and has the ip address sharing thing? Yeah. I think the only thing with Hulu that I guess only two tvs can be kind of working at once on the. I think we paid an extra couple of dollars. So, like, upstairs tv and a downstairs tv can be playing Hulu, but outside of that, you can't get a third or fourth, so you can't share it. What I. That's what I'm kind of learning. Chris always takes care of me. That's good. YouTube TV, I think works. I don't know if it's unlimited or you get at least three because I got three tvs in the same room and YouTube tv works real nice. Oh, yeah. Do you like YouTube? YouTube TV? My cousin had it and I was just like. I was like, whatever. I don't know. I'm taking Hulu. Did you get the hulu plus? The Disney plus? Yeah. That's a great package. It's only a few bucks more. It's like 80, $90 a month. But tie that in with Internet and I should be well under 200 a month. I was considering. The biggest thing is I had to make sure that Nick and Nick, Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. That had to have happened. My four year old. I don't even know what life would look like on the other end of those paw patrol, all these other new movies. Bluey. Oh, Bluey's awesome. My dog loves watching Bluey. All right, one more thing. But my mind was blown. I just learned I've been watching Bluey by forceful measures for almost four years now. I did not know Bluey the blue dog, the baby blue dog was a girl. I always thought it was a boy until I read Emma a book. And it's like, I learned that she was a girl. And I'm like, I'm still getting over it. Do you want to know another quick fact? Just didn't know. The reason why my dog watches Bluey and likes Bluey is because it was made for dogs kind of in a way that the color scheme, it's very blue, and dogs can actually see the colors compared to traditional colors. That is an interesting fact. Right there. Yeah. So you'll see my dog, Lily. He's corgi. He's literally on the couch just watching it. Like, intently watching. It's kind of interesting. Okay. All right, I think that's it, Dee. Take us home. All right, well, thanks, everyone, for listening this week. If you have any topics, show ideas. If you want to catch up on Tony's stock picks, hit us up at info at SWP, blowing the doors off. It's early, though. It's early. So our dinner got pushed back tomorrow. Today, if you're listening to this podcast, it's finally today. Oh, our stock pick for last year. We got delayed because Rob was sick. Yeah, no, today is the day. Oh, you guys are going to marble room tonight? Yeah. Heck, yeah. Nice. We'll fill you in next week how it goes. All right, let us know what that final tab is going to have to. Roll me out of there, literally. All right, well, thanks again for listening, and we'll talk to you all next week. The opinions expressed in the podcast are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any investment, legal, financial, or tax strategy. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry. Please consult a qualified professional about your individual needs.